(972) 926-5355 Forney, TX

Dallas, Forth Worth, Houston, San Antonio, TX. - Pet Clinic / Pet Hospital Insurance Quotes

Great Rates! Monthly Payments Available




This program is intended for operations primarily engaged in performing services and operations involving household pets/animals, such as animal shelters, boarding and breeding kennels, petstores, pet training, pet grooming, and other pet-related activities.

General Liability

  • Primary Limits up to $3,000,000 Occurrence/Aggregate

  • Hired and Non-owned Auto

Included Coverages:

  • Medical Payments Coverage - $5,000 Limit

  • Additional Interests

  • Property Damage Extension (Care, Custody, and Control)- $500 Occurrence/ $1,000 Aggregate (Higher optional limits available.)


  • Basic, Broad or Special Form

  • Replacement Cost or ACV

  • Building

  • Contents

  • Business Income

  • Equipment Breakdown

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Computer Equipment

  • Outside Signs

  • Valuable Papers


  • Inside the Premises - Theft of Money and Securities

  • Outside the Premises

    Let the TWFG ~ Burridge Family Insurance, help you choose a policy that will fit your individual needs. Protecting your assets, whether personal, business, or both, is our goal. A well-chosen policy can lessen the impact of some of life’s most common, yet unforeseen perils. We’re here to help when you are considering purchasing this insurance from us.